My Interview With God

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

When You Make It Home

When you make it home, will I still exist within the capacity that I've endured. Will you still look at me with blocked passion in your eyes. Will your touch change. Will your smile dimmer. Will your peace cease to remain in my comfort. Will your language speak an unknown vow. Will your essence be removed. Will your need be amputated. Will your kiss still linger days in your absence. Will your love be void. Will your need to whispered away. Will your dreams be changed.

When you make it home I will exist in your pleasure. I will have no obstacles in my vision that prevents me from getting to you. My touch will burn with passion for you. My smile will not be able to be contained. My rest will be found with you and it will provide comfort to my soul. I will speak a new, new into you. I will need to borrow your essence for a while. You will be my left to my right and your move to my way. My kiss will teach you a good lesson to replace any troubled ones. I will provide you a love that will never bounce. I will not be able to contain my utterance that cries out "love". My dream will never be departed, even in your lost.

When you make it home......

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