My Interview With God

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Name is Jade

You ever look around the room and feel an advantage? Whether it's beauty, smarts, ability, charisma or wisdom you can sense an advantage. Maybe it's you or another person in the room, it's undeniable. I've found myself in all types of rooms with all types of personalities and there were many times where I felt that I had the advantage. It's probably because I'm an observer more than anything else. I just notice things that others tend to overlook. Tonight was different though; as I found myself separating thoughts and formulating a plan to work both sides of an idea.

As with most things, places and people, there's competition, but instead of competing why not combine the resources to a new never before done structure. I mean, why fight over something that seemingly is never going to run out. How do I remain in the "competition", but not really be competing? How can I get the people in the room to want my way without them realizing that I'm playing both sides...shoot, in fact, I'm playing all sides. This could certainly get me killed, but it could also give new meaning to power. Let's face it, people in this business don't last long without true power. So knowing that, I'd have to learn how and when to acquire it.

You have many "levels" of a "drug business" and each "organization" is ran differently, just as Coke-A-Cola is ran differently from Pepsi. Understanding that there are differences is important but understanding what the differences are is more important (at least from my standpoint). Everything from where a plant is harvested, grown and picked is important because it all starts there. From there, there's the "chemist" which does any necessary missing, cutting, adding etc. before it is ready for large scale packaging. With any package there's shipping and with any shipping there's a recipient and ultimately they are distributor. The one making the money in this is the owner of the "packaging" process. Think of it as a sweat shop; the first person touching the item is the one in the sweat shop and from there it grows, but the one in the middle is actually the one on top. They control everything and therefore they are the ones with power. They are known as "kartels". They have close ties to every level of the "business" and their reach goes a lot further than you may think. If you want to get to that level, you better be prepared for anything that WILL come your way and you better not flinch a muscle when you do. This is my story and my name is Jade.

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