My Interview With God

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Thursday, February 19, 2009


Today I had to tell a friend off! I mean I cursed his ass out. I’ve reached the point of pure disgust and just plain ole’ pissedofftivity (pissed- off- tiv- ity). The problem is he’s addicted to alcohol and drugs. I’ve held my tongue far too long, and it all came out today.. I’ve seen firsthand what this addiction does to not only the person using, but also the people that care and love them. I’m getting a little pissed now, as I’m sitting this. Inside I’m screaming – Stop being selfish and get some freaking help! You got a PROBLEM!!!! Sorry, I’m still working on that. Love is patient and not easily provoked. I just want the best for him. So, there are 2 things I want people that read my page to do. 1-Is pray for him. 2- Is if you’re dealing with this too, speak up! I’d like to add one more. If you’re one that has a problem, please get help to stop. Please!
I did call him back with more of loving approach. Thank you God for whispering in my ear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I know you don't like things out of place. I'm glad you told who ever you're talking about to get help. Don't let it get you down. You seem to be a nice person from what I see, and cute. Keep your head up.