My Interview With God

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Inside Her

Inside her is jubilance which most don’t get to see. Inside her are the gifts of passion yet to be tapped. Inside her is beauty beyond her pleasant smiles. Inside her shy quiet appeal is earth shattering love. Inside her are words yet to be spoken to her mates’ ear. Inside her are puzzles that if put together properly she’d open you up to pleasures never witnessed before. Inside her is pure felicity that can only be touched through dedication to her. You see there is someone that is meant to walk with her. To bring out those things that is buried inside. There is someone that will add to her everything. There is someone that will speak life into her lost dreams. There is someone that will touch everything and simply rock her complex. Inside her there he shall be…….


Anonymous said...

lovely :-) ....that one lucky lady

*Diane* said...

very sweet!