My Interview With God

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Monday, August 22, 2011


Don’t be so blinded by the stars that you overlook the moon. All that is amongst you serves a purpose and many of which you know their intentions because you’ve heard or have seen them in the corners of your room. I call you room because you need it to grow and learn. Do not be so blinded by the beauty in ones words that you misplace their actions as ‘sweet’ nothings. All that you have witnessed defines your potential tomorrow. I call you room because it is there that you hear these things. Don’t be so blinded by the smiles that grace both you and their face that you twist the tears shed from the hurt bestowed unto you and make them forgotten pains. I call you room because it is there your knees bend in prayer. Don’t be so blinded in your quest to have that you miss the denial that has been mailed straight into your essence. I call you room because it is there that you find rest.

What I am trying to say is, find value in you, that you may know who you are and know all that you have to offer up. If anyone is not able to see your gifts as treasures then leave them in the sands as you sail away. You are deserving of both the stars and the moon!

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