My Interview With God

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012


The love of my life, as unattainable as it is will and shall forever be loved by me. I’ve managed to taste what it would be like to walk a life’s distance submerged in your glory and I’ll always thirst for its flavor. What all I would do to hold on to another day in the presence of it. Sought after comfort which eludes me now, is all that is left for me here. I had the audacity to imagine that when all was said and done I’d look down and that we’d be interlocked as one. With each breath I will push forward, knowing that that is exactly what you’d wish for me to do. You shall always live within every fiber of me and I will rest in the presents you left me with. Though I doubt that this will ever be rediscovered, I’ll turn away this page of life and discover what words are yet to be written across this now open page. My love, as I turn and walk away for the last time, I ask that you not allow the words to become bondage to your passion. You my love are my heavens gift now and forever……my queen….my love….my babe…. I love you….

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