I’m alive with her
She has managed to capture my imagination and has sealed it within a bottle and set it out to sea. If by chance I’m able to find it in such a vast array of twists, storms and waves, I may glance upon its depth to discover the abilities that rest within me. This may not be such a difficult task, as I imagine my imagination to be of such grander that the vessel to which contains me would be of enormous proportion to the sea grips it. Pulled by my compelling and overwhelming knowing that within its complexity rests the - ‘know-how-too’- obtain all that heart and minds true desires, I dive in head first. Determined to swim a Phelps like meet, I challenge and quiver my way across the channels without failure being a whisper to my ears. I drown out all the ‘no’s, can’ts, but’s and impossible’s’ and let the waves carry me further into my quest. Through temperature change and deadly obstacles I remain focused on my mission. I cannot comprehend anything other than that which wrenches me tighter into the knowing that this will not be in vain. Sealed within this bottle rest so much and I am nothing without its power. I find myself on a direct path to the destiny that awaits the imagination that pours from this bottle. While the waves and motions of the sea have managed to carry away this gift of all, I’ve found it to still be within sight of the very woman that tossed it overboard. It pulls at me as if pulling into safety. Finally I’m eye-to-eye with the command of my own imagination and I find myself frozen in its amazement. At first glance I see all that was overlooked/ignored in the effort to arrive at this point of view. I witness the passion to which my body, mind and spirit would not let me fail. Then it hits me… who is this woman that captured me? Who is this that has turned on such confidence that I have been given the ability to face such adversity only to burst through it unscaved? Who is this that open mine eyes to such power and will? Who is this that managed to bottle up such a thing without collapse of her? Who is this that has allowed me to live fully? To you I say thank you. You’ve captured my imagination and what better gift could ever been given……….. I truly hope to one day return these gifts to you over a lifetime…….
For my TCH
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