My Interview With God

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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Forward Through Life

Broken and in need of restoration
Stripped and hungry for covering
Lost and seeking direction
Alone and in need of a friend
Tired and chasing rest
Stagnant and needing a push
Somehow life has its way of showing all that it is
Sometimes we get caught in its fog and can’t point nor make it to any destination
The thing about life is that it doesn’t stop
Finding the drive to continue is what keeps us looking for those things we need to press forward
Once the fog has lifted we are better for it
Another one of life’s lessons that’s meant to be passed on
I am all those things named above and then some
Yet I know this too shall pass
With the lifting I hope to remember the very things that brought me to this moment
Thank you to you that remind me of things
Your words though at times may seem unheard strike a cord that simply cannot be ignored
Life’s words are full of life
Life is full of life
Press through Forward through life’s challenges
And never stop
Never give up

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