My Interview With God

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Can I ask you a question

Can you cover my eyes and lead me to comfort?
Or will you lead me to destruction?
If I shared my dreams with you, would you help me reach them?
Or would you kill them?
If I was hurting would you comfort me?
Or would you talk about me behind my back?
If I lost all my possessions would provide shelter?
Or would you say you have no room?
If someone hurt me would you come to my aide?
Or would you befriend the very one that hurt me?
Can I share what I have with you?
Or would you try to take all I have?
Can I trust you with my kids?
Or will you treat them like nappy head step kids? Lol
Can I talk to you?
Or would you not listen?
If I told you I wanted to form a band and be the lead singer, would you support me?
Or would you say I’m out of my mind and it’ll never work?
I just thought I’d ask……………..

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