My Interview With God

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Saturday, October 13, 2018

Delectable Vibe

I bet that you can’t escape her delectable vibe

It’d be a waste of time to not pay witness to what she exudes

None of that mysterious crap will she leave behind

She just is force alone

She is the gravity that will keep pulling you back to her

You will not leave her the same as you came

Only better shall one be amidst the gifts she graces one’s soul

Her touch transforms all things and her kiss warms humanity

She smiles, and you know that God must be real

Be ready and prepared for a new change if you find yourself floating in her clouds

Understand that all searches will seize in her

She is that delectable vibe that’s impossible to escape

You see, no one wants to leave paradise

She is the utopia of all dreams and I bet you don’t wanna wake

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