My Interview With God

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Sunday, March 11, 2012


I've never really worried about what people thought me. I considered myself to be good and willing to do for others as needed. If you passed judgement on me, I simply brushed it and you off and kept it moving. I was recently in a situation where just the thought of outside influence prevented true positivity from happening and it caused me to reflect. I wondered much and thought more, then I remembered the good that'd been lost and I paused. While it shouldn't matter what others "think", because they're not the be-all-that-ends-all, I understand that truly it is not as easy for others as it is for me. We are spirits having a worldly experience, so I believe that because of this I am able to look differently upon a situation and move differently through it. My flesh is tempteral and the who of who I am is everlasting. Look across and see that and all the rest shall fade.

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