My Interview With God

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Talk About Blessed

Man talk about blessed and make sure you through me in that conversation. I know that He covers me daily from weapons formed to take me out and from weapons I manifest myself. He provides for me in ways that leave me in aw. He heals me even before the pain. He talks and teaches me lessons, some easy and some difficult, but during His talks, He shows me through vivid visions. He still gives me free will to choose my path, but always taps me on the shoulder to remind me of the correct path to which He desires for me. He surrounds me with purity even when I turn away from it. He opens doors that were suppose to be closed according to man. He gives me favor for no reason. He carries me when I can do know more. He replenishes me when I all poured out. He heals me long before the illness. Mention His love for me during that conversation, but make sure you mention you as well because He loves you just as He loves me.

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