This is a small way to express things that tend to come to mind throughout my day. This is my blog. Enjoy
Friday, April 29, 2011
Word To The Wise
Word to the wise, open your eyes and notice the purpose in front of you. Notice how protected you've been. Notice how you came out of nothing and made something. Notice that those situations that should have killed you, didn't. Notice that you keep being blessed in every way possible. Notice that all your needs are met, and many of your wants are too. Notice that the things you use to worry about are no longer a concern. Notice that your future is brighter than it's ever been. Notice that you are truly surrounded by love. Notice that the relationships you have now have are meaningful. Notice that the people around you are blessed. Notice that you live with such inspiration. Notice that your gift is aways being manifested. Notice that the little things mean more than a lot of the bigger things. Notice that you have so many options. Notice that whatever you choose ends in blessings. Notice that you stumbled but never hit the ground. Notice that when you are weak, you were carried. Notice that you wrote this without any hesitation. Word to wise, never, never forget these things and be glad and rejoice in all that He has done for you and continues too.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sun Shine Between My Blinds
Good morning sun shine as you squeeze between the blinds and dance upon my face. Good morning to the scent that you bring from morning dew. Good morning to the musical outside my window. Good morning and thank you for the applause given by the trees that sway in your winds. Good morning to thought of one day waking next to you daily. Good morning to the embrace that awaits me. Good morning to the smile that is forever painted in my thoughts that is so perfectly captured by the light of the day. Good morning to the fact that I've been allowed to all this beauty and for that I say GOOD MORNING!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
I love you and I ain't afraid to say it. I think about you and I ain't afraid to say it. I want you and I ain't afraid to say. I wonder what you're up too and I ain't afraid to say it. I ain't afraid...
Hi God
Hi God. Thank you for today and yesterday. Thank you for words that allow for expression. Thank you for giving thought to me. Thank you for the many angels that imcamp themselves around me to protect me from any hurt harm or danger. Thank you for not giving up on me, and continuing to feed into me. Thank you for favor over my life. Thank you for your presence in my life. Thank you for those that pray for me. Thank you for family, friends and those that you place in my life to serve a purpose. Thank you that you allow me to sometimes bring light into a situation. Thank you, thank you for forgiving me of my short comings and failures and teaching me to do better. Thank you for all that you do, not only for me, but for the countless others that you do for. Please allow anyone that is near me to experience you on a whole new level. I want them all to blessed in everything thing that they do. Please continue to mold, shape, guide and keep me near you and on the right path. Do not allow me to fall short of your glory. Redirect me unto you so that I may remain with you at all times. Strengthen me where I am weak! I need you like never before and thank you for being with me like never before. Thank you for your son who saves me daily. Thank you Father.
My Name is Jade
I remember it like it was yesterday. The first bag of weed I sold was in a park. I'd dove right in by buying my way in and off my name. While I'd been around drugs all my life, I hadn't tried any, nor had I sold any. My boy said, "aight, you up! He gone want the same thing everytime you see him", which was an ounce of weed. In my earlier days I always carried a pistol and that day was no exception. I must say I was nervous. I mean, I didn't know this dude from no where and I was about to get into a truck with him to conduct business. If there's one thing I knew about this business, it was that you can't trust no one! All kinds of thoughts were running through my head: Is this a setup? Is this nigga gone try to rob me? How much is an ounce again? How much change is he suppose to get? Yeah all kinds of thoughts. I was so consumed, it's amazing I didn't shoot the dude from nerves alone lol. All-in-all, the business went smooth and only took a few seconds. A few words, weed and money was exchanged and just like that, we were done and I'd made my first "profit", which was something like $50 in a few seconds. Now understand, my supply didn't come from your average supplier so my profits were better than my competitors. Yep, that's how my first pitstop went. I wonder if he remembers my name....Jade.
My Name is Jade
You ever look around the room and feel an advantage? Whether it's beauty, smarts, ability, charisma or wisdom you can sense an advantage. Maybe it's you or another person in the room, it's undeniable. I've found myself in all types of rooms with all types of personalities and there were many times where I felt that I had the advantage. It's probably because I'm an observer more than anything else. I just notice things that others tend to overlook. Tonight was different though; as I found myself separating thoughts and formulating a plan to work both sides of an idea.
As with most things, places and people, there's competition, but instead of competing why not combine the resources to a new never before done structure. I mean, why fight over something that seemingly is never going to run out. How do I remain in the "competition", but not really be competing? How can I get the people in the room to want my way without them realizing that I'm playing both sides...shoot, in fact, I'm playing all sides. This could certainly get me killed, but it could also give new meaning to power. Let's face it, people in this business don't last long without true power. So knowing that, I'd have to learn how and when to acquire it.
You have many "levels" of a "drug business" and each "organization" is ran differently, just as Coke-A-Cola is ran differently from Pepsi. Understanding that there are differences is important but understanding what the differences are is more important (at least from my standpoint). Everything from where a plant is harvested, grown and picked is important because it all starts there. From there, there's the "chemist" which does any necessary missing, cutting, adding etc. before it is ready for large scale packaging. With any package there's shipping and with any shipping there's a recipient and ultimately they are distributor. The one making the money in this is the owner of the "packaging" process. Think of it as a sweat shop; the first person touching the item is the one in the sweat shop and from there it grows, but the one in the middle is actually the one on top. They control everything and therefore they are the ones with power. They are known as "kartels". They have close ties to every level of the "business" and their reach goes a lot further than you may think. If you want to get to that level, you better be prepared for anything that WILL come your way and you better not flinch a muscle when you do. This is my story and my name is Jade.
As with most things, places and people, there's competition, but instead of competing why not combine the resources to a new never before done structure. I mean, why fight over something that seemingly is never going to run out. How do I remain in the "competition", but not really be competing? How can I get the people in the room to want my way without them realizing that I'm playing both sides...shoot, in fact, I'm playing all sides. This could certainly get me killed, but it could also give new meaning to power. Let's face it, people in this business don't last long without true power. So knowing that, I'd have to learn how and when to acquire it.
You have many "levels" of a "drug business" and each "organization" is ran differently, just as Coke-A-Cola is ran differently from Pepsi. Understanding that there are differences is important but understanding what the differences are is more important (at least from my standpoint). Everything from where a plant is harvested, grown and picked is important because it all starts there. From there, there's the "chemist" which does any necessary missing, cutting, adding etc. before it is ready for large scale packaging. With any package there's shipping and with any shipping there's a recipient and ultimately they are distributor. The one making the money in this is the owner of the "packaging" process. Think of it as a sweat shop; the first person touching the item is the one in the sweat shop and from there it grows, but the one in the middle is actually the one on top. They control everything and therefore they are the ones with power. They are known as "kartels". They have close ties to every level of the "business" and their reach goes a lot further than you may think. If you want to get to that level, you better be prepared for anything that WILL come your way and you better not flinch a muscle when you do. This is my story and my name is Jade.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Make of Heaven
Will you come look at this... This smooth chocolate, gorgeous angel that seemingly was sent by the heavens is here with me. Like how did I get so lucky to have her desires swing into my corner? How in a sea of plenty, all is calm in the midst of a storm? Her smile stops my concerns and her embrace speaks a foreign language thats only for my ear. Stories are told in the pit of her eyes that tell tales that not even her mind is prepared for. Come see how the storm doesn't even touch her and her beauty remains in place. I can't even look away from its pull. She'll always be this in my eye of this I am certain. This...this make of heaven.
Dance With Me
creep up next to me like smooth music and dance to this flow. Move right to my left and swig to my sway and be my swag that's like wow. woman touch me like the bass vibes in the corner that makes this motion flow like loving thats right and good. Not only expressed through words but unspoken outbursts of woo. Push up on this like I'm the 1! The 1 that after we twine you gone wanna tell somebody but you'll better not too. shake that curvature that keeps my poetic rhythm in sync. adjust my tempo to match that sway of your ocean as i dive in feet first, only coming up for brief breaths of life. Yeah, move that fiber of you as its nutrition is absorbed into me. feel our bodies stretch into new areas and let the sweat of your creams pour over me until we cum to the end of our motion.
Hey DJ, rewind that!
Hey DJ, rewind that!
In Box
It's interesting that some of these post were written a long time ago and yet they flow with all the writings on here.... well duh it is the same author.
Ok so I am getting in boxed now, so here's what i'd like for you to do...if you have poems, send them to me and i will post it and give you all the credit.
Ok so I am getting in boxed now, so here's what i'd like for you to do...if you have poems, send them to me and i will post it and give you all the credit.
No Title
Woman I will love you for the rest of my days. You have been a pleasure in everyway. In many of them, it has been a surprise. While I may not get the chance to have you in the capicity I'd like, I will delight in the measure we shared. You've taught me things along the way and I pray that they remain with me always. I'm not going to list the many things that light my face when thinking of you, but I will say that it was all of you that did and some of what you didn't.
Wake Up Woman
Guess who's back, it's me people. I'm that brother that'll spit that game that'll have yo ass backing it up on me. Stop fronting like you don't know, cause I had yo ass up in the air just the other night. Stop it now! Anywho, yeah I'm back to let yawl know that the game has changed a lil. For those that don't know what I mean, all I'm going to say is that things ain't always as they seem. Yeah, we (men) got dirt, but don't be so crazy to think that these chickens ain't got none too. Yeah you might be laying in another mans wet spot, if you know what I mean. Heck it could be mine...shoot if she bout 5'7 with light brown eyes and curly hair, then you might wanna check yo sheets. I'm just saying. Yeah so anyway these women ain't playing no mo. My dude my advice is to get yo world back from these chics and recognize that the game has been stolen right from underneath you. Stop buying these broads shit. Stop taking them out to dinner and buying flowers in shit. Don't be making them cd's and taking them on trips. Man cut all that out dude! Man look, all these chics want is dick and money...that's it! They ain't looking for no substance as nigga. They don't care that you got standards. They ain't trying to hear all that shit! Yeah yeah, I feel you...they all say that that's what they want but bottom line when that shit is presented, they gone run right to me and imma have that ass up in the air without lifting a finger. Shit matter of fact imma be hitting it while looking at the pretty ass flowers you got this chic. Man so what that you wanna do right! Christian?!? What dat mean? Man look, money and dick...dick and money....look my dude, I got em both and a nigga ain't hurtin for no bitch, ya dig...Now on the other hand, what you got to show for yo punk ass gifts? or yo soft as music? or any of that shit you be doing? Man, I'm just saying, cut that shit out! These women don't want that shit and they don't care how beautiful you may see them as. Stop telling em that crap! They ain't listening... You be trying to feed into them, but are they returning the favor? Hell no they ain't! So stop that shit! Let them keep dropping those drawls and giving me exactly what I want from them, which ironically is - NOTHING!!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Sorry I missed You
Love don't live here anymore. I'm sorry but there was a sale on another house that couldn't be passed up. Love packed up and took all it's possessions with it. Love did leave a note behind just in case you showed up looking for it. I can't find it right now but I did memorize it. It went like this:
Sorry I missed you or better yet sorry you missed me. Its been good but you and I know this house was meant to be a home and your keys just never fit these locks. This house was built with a 2 car garage which fit us well, but you stayed out trying to find that 3rd door. These was walls were made to keep and protect us, but you seemed determined to knock them down. The colors that we picked displayed such charm but all the while I ignored your true color that was before me. Oh I cleaned the windows after being inspired by you as I now see right While the space you now stand is empty, it was once filled with substance and I pray that you remember it, cause where you now lay your head is filled with poverty beyond monetary. I'm still hoping that you find what it is that you are looking for out there, but yeah I had to go. I found a new house and I am enjoying making it a home. You should stop by one day when you find the time. Sorry but no you can't come here; it's just simply not made for you.
P.S You'll always have a place in my heart, no matter how small it may be :)
Sorry I missed you or better yet sorry you missed me. Its been good but you and I know this house was meant to be a home and your keys just never fit these locks. This house was built with a 2 car garage which fit us well, but you stayed out trying to find that 3rd door. These was walls were made to keep and protect us, but you seemed determined to knock them down. The colors that we picked displayed such charm but all the while I ignored your true color that was before me. Oh I cleaned the windows after being inspired by you as I now see right While the space you now stand is empty, it was once filled with substance and I pray that you remember it, cause where you now lay your head is filled with poverty beyond monetary. I'm still hoping that you find what it is that you are looking for out there, but yeah I had to go. I found a new house and I am enjoying making it a home. You should stop by one day when you find the time. Sorry but no you can't come here; it's just simply not made for you.
P.S You'll always have a place in my heart, no matter how small it may be :)
I wish I could make it clear just how much you mean to me. The only way to let you know is simply to tell you.
You mean the future to me
Happy Thursday
You mean the future to me
Happy Thursday
This Aint For You
Excuse me but uh this ain't for you. You had it but misused it. It was yours but you didn't appreciate it. You overlooked it's charm and settled for bland. You kissed it away as it was seeking you. You questioned its meaning and all the while it was designed for you. You didn't reach back when an extend was needed. You didn't stand, but rather you rode the bench in spectator mode. You didn't believe in the possibilities and killed hope. You thought sex would keep me, but boy were you mislead. You thought beauty would be enough but...WHAT, WHY?!? You ignored every dream and let them die without a fight. You didn't expect me to bounce but then again I'm not surprised you thought that way. Yeah this most certainly ain't for you! No really this ain't for you!
F and J is the way I want your touch to be. Run across me like the K and D underneath you. Feel me up as if I'm the S and L at your ring finger. A I'm talking to you who grips my space of rest. Now put it into action and some C about me.
My Name is Jade
My father made a name for himself and to this day there are untold stories. I was reminded of some of them the other day while riding with my brother. During small talk my brother said, "man for a minute I swore we were a mob family", and I couldn't help but remember that he was not my dad's son (directly that is), so in some ways he didn't get the full understanding of my bloodline. I wanted to tell him that yes the black mob existed and yes we were surrounded by it daily, but I kept silent.
You see I learned early that silence is golden and it is very powerful. My father never hesitated to take me around situations. I'm not sure why he felt so comfortable doing so, but none-the-less, that's what he'd do. I remember a night where my father and I went to some ladies house and there were other kids there playing video games. He told me to stay put for a minute and that he'd be right back. He was dressed in all black and he was wearing a leather jacket (shoot I'd like to have that jacket now). I could tell that something wasn't right but I also knew that I needed to follow my fathers orders. No sooner than I turned my back to go play with the other kids, I heard "No, come on man, it wasn't me" and it was followed by 2 distinctive sounds. 1 was the sound of a man being slapped and the other was the echo that rang through the house which came from a bullet being fired into someone. I am not sure if you've ever heard a sound like that but I can promise you that it's a sound that you would never forget. Of course all of us that heard it, stopped what we were doing and starred down the hall awaiting for what was next and the what next would be my father coming and saying, "aight, let's roll pal". I'm smiling now, not because of what I heard but I remember that that was his name for me...Pal.
We never spoke of the sound or anything about the house, kids or anything. It was just an understanding that silence was golden. It's amazing what my ears have heard and eyes have seen, but what's more amazing is that I've never spoken of any of these things over the 30 years I've been around.
These are my memoirs and my name is Jade!
You see I learned early that silence is golden and it is very powerful. My father never hesitated to take me around situations. I'm not sure why he felt so comfortable doing so, but none-the-less, that's what he'd do. I remember a night where my father and I went to some ladies house and there were other kids there playing video games. He told me to stay put for a minute and that he'd be right back. He was dressed in all black and he was wearing a leather jacket (shoot I'd like to have that jacket now). I could tell that something wasn't right but I also knew that I needed to follow my fathers orders. No sooner than I turned my back to go play with the other kids, I heard "No, come on man, it wasn't me" and it was followed by 2 distinctive sounds. 1 was the sound of a man being slapped and the other was the echo that rang through the house which came from a bullet being fired into someone. I am not sure if you've ever heard a sound like that but I can promise you that it's a sound that you would never forget. Of course all of us that heard it, stopped what we were doing and starred down the hall awaiting for what was next and the what next would be my father coming and saying, "aight, let's roll pal". I'm smiling now, not because of what I heard but I remember that that was his name for me...Pal.
We never spoke of the sound or anything about the house, kids or anything. It was just an understanding that silence was golden. It's amazing what my ears have heard and eyes have seen, but what's more amazing is that I've never spoken of any of these things over the 30 years I've been around.
These are my memoirs and my name is Jade!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Recently Discovered
I discovered something on this walk and thought I'd share it. With one step at a time you arrive at your destination with many memories captured along the way. All the beautiful sights taken in and all the labor that went into your ordered steps were not in vain but placed you in a new promise. A promise that with focus and determination you are were you are need to be. It's a nice feeling to get there but it's also just as nice taking the stroll. You've laid upon me many a day and so nice it was to realize that your heartbeat matched mine, just like that line a movie I once saw. Beat for beat, step for step it was as though purpose had finally been found. I knew at that moment my pace was truly designed to produce beauty and I looked forward to it in many forms. I slowly noticed that we shared many other things too, all of which I smile upon even now. The tone of your skin, the delight in your smile and even the comfort in your touch. Ready-set-go, the race was on, only there was no shout of "go", but still I ran. I see a thing and go, but you teach me to stay in stride and embrace the moments that surround me. Embrace them slowly too. Instead of running into my tomorrow, I'm living in my today.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
She Spit Her Passion
She done spit her passion on my heart and I can taste its delight and frankly I enjoy it. She done sent my world into a tailspin and I'm enjoying the ride. She done uplifted my spirit and I want to go higher. She done smiled at me in many of my dreams and I can't wait to rest again. She done kissed my hopes and got me feeling all "yes we can". She done caught me off guard and imma leave my weapon behind. She done got me writing like I'm some sort of author and imma keep typing. She done touched my joy and I need her to not stop. She done got me saying things like don't stop and I'm hoping she won't. She done got me saying WTF and I'm still like WTF. She done hugged my space and I don't need it back. She done, done it and I done got use to wanting it to be done.
150 Hours
Something like 150 away from heaven
Awaiting to be saved
But no one is close enough to extend a line
Girl save me like only you can
I'm reaching for your hand but it's a distance away
-Chorus -
150 hours away from heaven
Tell me how to not think about it
150 hours away from heaven
Tell me how to hold on
-Verse II-
We've held on and experienced love
Held close, so close we've shared heartbeats
Your rhythm playing against my song
150 away from an ending tune
Girl save me like only you can
150 hours away from heaven
Tell me how to not think about it
150 hours away from heaven
Tell me how to hold on
-Verse III-
Save me baby
Pull me from this pit
Hear my hearts beat
It's fading fast
I've got 150 hours to be away from heaven
Tell me how
Tell me how to not think about it
150 hours away
150 hours away from heaven
Tell me how to hold on
Fading out....
Awaiting to be saved
But no one is close enough to extend a line
Girl save me like only you can
I'm reaching for your hand but it's a distance away
-Chorus -
150 hours away from heaven
Tell me how to not think about it
150 hours away from heaven
Tell me how to hold on
-Verse II-
We've held on and experienced love
Held close, so close we've shared heartbeats
Your rhythm playing against my song
150 away from an ending tune
Girl save me like only you can
150 hours away from heaven
Tell me how to not think about it
150 hours away from heaven
Tell me how to hold on
-Verse III-
Save me baby
Pull me from this pit
Hear my hearts beat
It's fading fast
I've got 150 hours to be away from heaven
Tell me how
Tell me how to not think about it
150 hours away
150 hours away from heaven
Tell me how to hold on
Fading out....
If It Said
If it said stop, are you one to stop?
If it said go, are you one to go?
If it said speak, would you stand in silence?
If it said it's green, would you see yellow?
If it said quit, would you quit?
If it said love, would you love?
If it said write, would you drop your pencil?
If it said teach, would you abandon it?
If it said shoot, would you shoot?
If it said give, would you give?
If it said him, would you look for her?
If it said her, would you look for him?
When do you follow the vision that's been shown to you? How long will you question it?
If it said go, are you one to go?
If it said speak, would you stand in silence?
If it said it's green, would you see yellow?
If it said quit, would you quit?
If it said love, would you love?
If it said write, would you drop your pencil?
If it said teach, would you abandon it?
If it said shoot, would you shoot?
If it said give, would you give?
If it said him, would you look for her?
If it said her, would you look for him?
When do you follow the vision that's been shown to you? How long will you question it?
I Ain't Saying Goodbye Tonight
I ain't saying goodbye tonight. Tonight you are going to be mine. Tonight you are going to give me all of you and I'm not just talking physical. I need your mind, body, soul and the life you have to share. Tonight I want to hear your essence sing. Tonight you are going to need to let the cares drift away. Tonight I'm going to fight your worries and any concerns you have. Tonight you will find comfort in these arms of mine. Tonight my pleasure will be passed onto you. Tonight I am yours and you are mine. Tonight see me in front of you and rest in the vision you see. Tonight the presence of peace will surround you and clarity will release you of your blocks. Tonight I am not asking for these things, but rather tonight you'll need these things and will desire them. Tonight our kiss will free our minds and there will be no words to speak, except these – Good Morning
Good Morning
Good morning sunshine. Thank you for waking me with your bright rays of joy. Ah what would I do without you? You bring so much to my day. Your energy rubs off onto me and gives me the ability to face all that is yet to come my way. Not that I'd like to but I couldn't escape your presence if I wanted too. You cover so much of my space. Funny thing is, I sometimes forget how much you are needed until you are away. Thank you for feeding me life and much abundance. Ah so nice to be in your glow. You'll be next to me for all the days of my life and it makes me thankful :).
Friday, April 15, 2011
My Name is Sarah
You have a gift! I don't know why or how you are able to do what you can, but it is something that was given to you and I believe it is something that is meant to be used. You have to focus and know this, this is your moment. Since you were little I've tried to push you into other things by not believing in you and yet somehow you managed to still push through to your genius. You taught me so much along the way. You never gave up no matter how much I tried. You get that from your mom. I see her in you everyday. She was such a champion of life and I have been too busy to see that everything about her passed to you. I lost love when she left and couldn't see the love that surrounded me everyday. Those moments where I wouldn't give my all, were all done out of fear. I've been afraid to love you fully because I've been afraid to lose you. Of course me being the idiot that I am, I managed to do that anyway. I am so sorry for not speaking into you. Everyday I wanted to hug you and tell you that you are my angle and that I will always love you. Everyday I wanted to tell you how proud I was of you and how proud she would've been too. (sniffle) Your mom... she'd want all of your dreams to made real, and she'd get on me to make sure I did my part to make them happen (smile).
You have to shine and now is your time to do just that. Shine brighter than any star! Go back out there and show them who you are! Show them the talent that I am proud of! Show them you know your stuff! I want you to show them how to LIVE! Go get em, Sarah!
You have to shine and now is your time to do just that. Shine brighter than any star! Go back out there and show them who you are! Show them the talent that I am proud of! Show them you know your stuff! I want you to show them how to LIVE! Go get em, Sarah!
Edward Lee Thomas
I don't know if you have ever been on this blog, but wouldn't it be nice if you did. Wouldn't it be nice if today was the day you found this page.
I love you. I miss you. I miss talking to you and hearing your laugh. I miss the advice you'd give me. I miss your protection. Man no matter what, I will always love you. I hope that one day I'll have my brother back because I miss you.
I love you. I miss you. I miss talking to you and hearing your laugh. I miss the advice you'd give me. I miss your protection. Man no matter what, I will always love you. I hope that one day I'll have my brother back because I miss you.
Hurt, sadness, pain, guilt, confusion, frustration, happiness, pleasure, excited and joy you get through it all. Some of those are your yesterday and it was meant to LIVE you in your today. If I could take those “bad” ones away and replace them with the “good”, I would. These are the things that make us, US and in the end it shapes us or better yet forms us into our uniqueness. These are poetic words, only you may not see the poetic side of them right now. I'll do the resting for you and bury the hurt in a place that cannot be found. I will turn your sadness into pure joy. Your frustration will be replaced vision and purpose. I will use that, that was harming for good and leave you confused about where the pain went; only you'll know who took it away. I will dead the guilt you may hold (PERIOD). My purpose is to bring you all that I have for YOU. What I have is truly ONLY YOURS! It is exciting for me to be able to share it with you because you are just that special. You are my beautiful TD and um H (lol). (I couldn't resist because I know he'd love that). Will you allow me to do these things for you? I can promise you that if you allow me inside, your life will never be the same and it will be definitely something that you will be glad you did. How about we do this... you just start talking to me whenever, and I will be here listening always.
P.S – Tell Earl that he has not been forgotten and that I am here for him always too.
P.S – Tell Earl that he has not been forgotten and that I am here for him always too.
Close Your Eyes and Sing With Me
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song ...
I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style.
And so I came to see him to listen for a while.
And there he was this young boy, a stranger to my eyes.
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song ...
I felt all flushed with fever, embarrassed by the crowd,
I felt he found my letters and read each one out loud.
I prayed that he would finish but he just kept right on ...
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song ...
He sang as if he knew me in all my dark despair.
And then he looked right through me as if I wasn't there.
But he just came to singing, singing clear and strong.
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song ...
He was strumming, oh, he was singing my song.
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song ...
With his song ...
Singing my life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song ...
I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style.
And so I came to see him to listen for a while.
And there he was this young boy, a stranger to my eyes.
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song ...
I felt all flushed with fever, embarrassed by the crowd,
I felt he found my letters and read each one out loud.
I prayed that he would finish but he just kept right on ...
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song ...
He sang as if he knew me in all my dark despair.
And then he looked right through me as if I wasn't there.
But he just came to singing, singing clear and strong.
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song ...
He was strumming, oh, he was singing my song.
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song ...
With his song ...
New Color Please
Color me a new color please. I would prefer one that is translucent so that my blemishes will not stand out. I am not talking about my skin color either, but blot me out like a bad stain and make me over again. Erase me and replace me with all those nice Spring colors that everyone loves. Better yet blend me with Spring colors and sprinkle me with the colors of Fall. Wouldn't that be nice to see me painted in luminance? Forgotten would be the cares of yesterday and you'd wish to dwell in the calm I now bring. Marvelous how beauty seems to shape and form itself at the right time, but even more marvelous that even in it, it can be overlooked. Color me bold please. Yeah give me the paints that cannot be overlooked. Give voice to my presence and let it speak.... na, let it sing that exact melody you need. Pull me from something rare and something to keep, as I may pour out to you. Can I be your new background setting? Will you make me your new default color scheme? Color me in a place of new please.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Some you lose and some you gain and some of what you lose you gain.
You ever look up at the stars and marvel in the magnitude of it's splendor? Ever find yourself mesmerized at the beauty of it all? I mean you could literally find yourself looking at them for a while. Would you consider it a loss of time if you found yourself caught up in it? Would you find yourself looking up at them again?
I mean stars do offer up many things to one's person - such as comfort, peace, rest, calmness, beauty, amazement and many other things.
Man i was going somewhere with this but, honestly my mind is just not here tonight!
You ever look up at the stars and marvel in the magnitude of it's splendor? Ever find yourself mesmerized at the beauty of it all? I mean you could literally find yourself looking at them for a while. Would you consider it a loss of time if you found yourself caught up in it? Would you find yourself looking up at them again?
I mean stars do offer up many things to one's person - such as comfort, peace, rest, calmness, beauty, amazement and many other things.
Man i was going somewhere with this but, honestly my mind is just not here tonight!
Monday, April 11, 2011
I enjoy my Lord. He places things on my heart and will not let me rest until I express it. As I clicked on the interview with God that is on this page (at the top lol), one thing stood out to me. Free! Everything we do is of our own free will. When it comes to love you cannot force someone to love you but rather you must be open to allowing love in your life. As I have stated before, I have a passion for love. It covers a multitude of sins and has the power to overcome all things. Love is easy to give for some and for some it is easily obtained. Of course love has different meanings to us and is expressed in many ways. My love is music, arts, people and apparently writing (wish it was reading lol). If not for expression who would we be? Who would I be? To freely express my love brings joy to me and it opens me up to new love when it's returned.
Carry these words within the winds of today's air. Fall in a place who's presently in need of it. Lay in the lap of them always. Touch even the doubtful with it's power. Fertilize the life within our lungs so that the exhale will be new and fresh. Season me as the motions of the year. Stay a while longer, please....
I love you
Carry these words within the winds of today's air. Fall in a place who's presently in need of it. Lay in the lap of them always. Touch even the doubtful with it's power. Fertilize the life within our lungs so that the exhale will be new and fresh. Season me as the motions of the year. Stay a while longer, please....
I love you
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Nights like this i wish, that rain drops would fall. Perfect chorus tonight. Ok so this is one of those nights where i have nothing particalur to write about. Um,i guess i'm a little lost tonight. Where are those freaking rain drops. Like for real, where are they. Shoot i need sleep like right now. I'm so ready to close out this weekend. Guess that's what i get for missing church today. ok, i'm outta here cause this feels like i'm twittering lol....holla
When You Make It Home
When you make it home, will I still exist within the capacity that I've endured. Will you still look at me with blocked passion in your eyes. Will your touch change. Will your smile dimmer. Will your peace cease to remain in my comfort. Will your language speak an unknown vow. Will your essence be removed. Will your need be amputated. Will your kiss still linger days in your absence. Will your love be void. Will your need to whispered away. Will your dreams be changed.
When you make it home I will exist in your pleasure. I will have no obstacles in my vision that prevents me from getting to you. My touch will burn with passion for you. My smile will not be able to be contained. My rest will be found with you and it will provide comfort to my soul. I will speak a new, new into you. I will need to borrow your essence for a while. You will be my left to my right and your move to my way. My kiss will teach you a good lesson to replace any troubled ones. I will provide you a love that will never bounce. I will not be able to contain my utterance that cries out "love". My dream will never be departed, even in your lost.
When you make it home......
When you make it home I will exist in your pleasure. I will have no obstacles in my vision that prevents me from getting to you. My touch will burn with passion for you. My smile will not be able to be contained. My rest will be found with you and it will provide comfort to my soul. I will speak a new, new into you. I will need to borrow your essence for a while. You will be my left to my right and your move to my way. My kiss will teach you a good lesson to replace any troubled ones. I will provide you a love that will never bounce. I will not be able to contain my utterance that cries out "love". My dream will never be departed, even in your lost.
When you make it home......
Let me go so that I may fly
Kiss me away like the fall leaves
Watch me sore as the clouds in the sky
Teach me how to breathe
Lesson me a gift that last a lifetime
Aim me high enough to be seen always
Keep me near and enjoy me like fine wine
Talk with meaning and love me in good ways
Read me like a classic novel
Push back when need be
Open up so that I may not grovel
See me standing in front of you on bended knee
Color me bad like ending spring delight
Take me before I end
Come with me as I take you to new heights
Wake next to me daily and we'll do this all over again
Kiss me away like the fall leaves
Watch me sore as the clouds in the sky
Teach me how to breathe
Lesson me a gift that last a lifetime
Aim me high enough to be seen always
Keep me near and enjoy me like fine wine
Talk with meaning and love me in good ways
Read me like a classic novel
Push back when need be
Open up so that I may not grovel
See me standing in front of you on bended knee
Color me bad like ending spring delight
Take me before I end
Come with me as I take you to new heights
Wake next to me daily and we'll do this all over again
To Me
Don't cheat yourself on anything. Go for what you want and get an understanding of what "it" is before making a decission. Live for Christ and for you and know that nothing happens for nothing but rather there is a purpose for all. When you cannot make sense of the situation seek advice from wisdom and wisdom will lead you right but understand the wisdom you seek must be covered. Enjoy today :)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
My Name is Jade
"Dude, I got something I need you to do. Do you still have your CDL and access to a truck?"
Telling a story from a point of view that allows others to know exactly what you mean is not always easy, but I'll do what I can. Actually, I'll try to tell you from my view.
There I was, yet again about to be involved in something that could take my freedom away. What the hell am I thinking and why does this keep happening shit! Um, but there could really be some money in this if I roll with it.
Ok, so if I'm in, I'm doing it my way. I have a list of things that must be done before anything is touched or setup. Number 1, I need to know how many people are involved. 2. I meet only you. 3. I will set the date and time so I will need to know the location of this pick up and which trailer I need to look for. I know it's early in the game but get me that trailer information. 4. I roll alone! 5. I will need to know the address that the unload will take place. 6. Unloading this trailer will take time so I will need 4 people that you trust to be there to get this done ASAP. Those are 6 major request that must be followed to the letter. I need that information by Wednesday and I will roll on Friday. It must be ready by 9pm Friday. If any of this is not ready, you know I will bounce.
If there is one thing I know, it is that you must cover all your bases when conducting business. Of course me getting a truck would not be an issue (for reasons you may learn at a later post), but I had to make sure that the pick up location would be secure. FYI most shipping locations are very secure, so docking into a trailer at night is not as simple as plug and play. There's a process that is typically followed. I would basically have 1 day to make sure we wouldn't have any issues. 1st step, go to the shipping house and somehow get them to show me around the facility; which by the way was really simple. I mean they showed me around everything, including security or lack there of. Once I figured out how I would get my truck onto the property I had to figure out where the trailer would be. This was simple too because the person showing me around took me right to the trailer itself, only at the time it was empty. Wow, getting my merchandise would truly be a piece of cake, so now my next stop would be the unloading location which happened to be right in the hood. Of course people knew me and my car so I couldn't just roll up and scope the place like that. After all if you don't know this, people in the hood are nosey as hell and will walk up to you and ask what you're doing. Now they won't call the popo but they will ask. As you can imagine, I wouldn't be able to say, my name is Jade.
Telling a story from a point of view that allows others to know exactly what you mean is not always easy, but I'll do what I can. Actually, I'll try to tell you from my view.
There I was, yet again about to be involved in something that could take my freedom away. What the hell am I thinking and why does this keep happening shit! Um, but there could really be some money in this if I roll with it.
Ok, so if I'm in, I'm doing it my way. I have a list of things that must be done before anything is touched or setup. Number 1, I need to know how many people are involved. 2. I meet only you. 3. I will set the date and time so I will need to know the location of this pick up and which trailer I need to look for. I know it's early in the game but get me that trailer information. 4. I roll alone! 5. I will need to know the address that the unload will take place. 6. Unloading this trailer will take time so I will need 4 people that you trust to be there to get this done ASAP. Those are 6 major request that must be followed to the letter. I need that information by Wednesday and I will roll on Friday. It must be ready by 9pm Friday. If any of this is not ready, you know I will bounce.
If there is one thing I know, it is that you must cover all your bases when conducting business. Of course me getting a truck would not be an issue (for reasons you may learn at a later post), but I had to make sure that the pick up location would be secure. FYI most shipping locations are very secure, so docking into a trailer at night is not as simple as plug and play. There's a process that is typically followed. I would basically have 1 day to make sure we wouldn't have any issues. 1st step, go to the shipping house and somehow get them to show me around the facility; which by the way was really simple. I mean they showed me around everything, including security or lack there of. Once I figured out how I would get my truck onto the property I had to figure out where the trailer would be. This was simple too because the person showing me around took me right to the trailer itself, only at the time it was empty. Wow, getting my merchandise would truly be a piece of cake, so now my next stop would be the unloading location which happened to be right in the hood. Of course people knew me and my car so I couldn't just roll up and scope the place like that. After all if you don't know this, people in the hood are nosey as hell and will walk up to you and ask what you're doing. Now they won't call the popo but they will ask. As you can imagine, I wouldn't be able to say, my name is Jade.
Writer Like No Other
The title to this blog is "Writer like "NO" other" and in many ways I am just that. Some of the posts are random thoughts, real life situations, non-fiction and whatever else comes to mind. Shoot I need to carry my laptop around with me everywhere I go because I often have random things pop into my head that I'd like to write about. I tend not to read what I post so there are some grammical errors throughout, but I don't wish to change that because it's part of the "NO" in NO other. There are many things that inspire me but the number thing that inspires me to write is love. Love has such an amazing ability. I believe that with love anything is possible. Even things you would not expect to be. After all it is the very thing that many of us truly seek (one way or another). Ok, i'm done with this post. I just felt the urge to write this, so here it is. I hope you enjoy reading it :) and if you don't, I gotta ask, what is wrong with you? j/k (sort of).
Dear John Letter
Dear you that smiles and brightens my world. Dear you that looks at me and somehow ease's my concerns. Dear you whose touch stops my breath. Dear you who makes a crowd disappear just by walking into a room. Dear you whom I'd wait a life time for. Dear you who's laugh brings a smile to my face. Dear you who's hug lets me know that I'm good. Dear you who's voice warms me. Dear you who's walk causes my head to tilt. Dear you who's loving is tremendously deep, wet, nice, fitted and needed. Dear you who's eyes tell tales of a story book. Dear you who's smart. Dear you who's kind. Dear you who's rare. Dear you who's hand I'd like to hold forever. Dear you that when you finally let lose and allows the connection. Dear you who's cheeks are so kissable (both). Dear you who's being missed right now. Dear you who's hair I'd like to play in right now. Dear you who's skin I can smell and taste right now. Dear you I'd give up a million dollars too. Dear you I hope you smiled at this. Dear you I don't want to spend another day without you. Dear you, you are loved and missed. Dear you, do you know i'm talking about you?
Friday, April 8, 2011
Yesterday Vs. Today
You can't live in your today if you are holding on to something from your yesterday.
Talk About Blessed
Man talk about blessed and make sure you through me in that conversation. I know that He covers me daily from weapons formed to take me out and from weapons I manifest myself. He provides for me in ways that leave me in aw. He heals me even before the pain. He talks and teaches me lessons, some easy and some difficult, but during His talks, He shows me through vivid visions. He still gives me free will to choose my path, but always taps me on the shoulder to remind me of the correct path to which He desires for me. He surrounds me with purity even when I turn away from it. He opens doors that were suppose to be closed according to man. He gives me favor for no reason. He carries me when I can do know more. He replenishes me when I all poured out. He heals me long before the illness. Mention His love for me during that conversation, but make sure you mention you as well because He loves you just as He loves me.
Un-removable Stain
Slowly she entered my thoughts and left an un-removable stain that I would enjoy for a moment or two. She slid on my issue and wiped away the sorrow of yesterday. Her laugh is recorded in my delightful place, to be played back at moments notice. Even her deepest unexpressed thoughts linger amongst my subconsciousness. A second has passed and I've shared my sentience with her and all that breathes within me echoes for more time. How favored am I to have held my gift of future in my arms and witnessed to it, the power that is? As with each passing moment this stain grows into something so beautiful that only God could have made. With time does the watering of it's seed become revelant to all that is bound by it. I cannot, nor do I desire to escape it's harvest of purity, peace, joy and love, but rather I bathe in it's splender. I will slowly allow it to settle into place as the foundation to my ramble and rejoice in the love that slowly entered my thoughts and left a un-removable stain on my heart.
Monday, April 4, 2011
My Name is Jade
"Pull your car into the garage and close it. Jimmy is upstairs waiting." I calmly head up the stairs, following the instruction that was just given to me. I make it outside and think WTF! Why would they have me walking into this freaking situation and they know this is no longer me! Would I be wrong to hope in the car and roll the hell out? I mean look, I didn't sign up for his crap! Shoot I can't roll out because obviously this car is loaded. Fuck it, let me pull it in. Just like that I was tapping the horn to have the door opened. Now understand, when this door opened, the average person would have probably pooped their pants because you know trouble when you see it. None-the-less I allow the door to close behind me and no sooner than I step out, Jimmy and 2 other men begin taking the car apart. Ok, ok for those of you that have never seen dope before you would have been truly in aw of the amount of dope that was pulled from this car. Shoot even I was like holy cow (in my head). I stopped counting the kilo's (keys, birds, etc.) after one of the guys went to get a wheel barrow for the back yard. This was enough blow to get us all locked up for a long time. See what you may not realize is that cocaine produces real time. The kind of time that yo boys snitch for.
I began to understand the true situation after a while and knew that the count had better be correct or I was not going home that night. Ok, now this part was kinda funny to me, as Jimmy used a toy walkie talkie to communicate with the home owner in the basement. The thing about toy walkie talkie's is that the reception is poor and you have to keep repeating yourself. You had to be there. Anywho, everyone that was in the basement finally made their way to the garage where it was all smiles. The homeowner looked at me and said, "good job" and tossed me a set of keys. "This is yours until I call". Just like that a major deal was done and me and the passenger that was with me on the way, rolled out in a mercedes E-class.
There was so much I had to say to my passenger but I knew I needed to get back to my area first. I must say that the drive was heart wrenching and long and I didn't know what exactly I was going to do about this situation. I mean 1, I was known to do things alone and not seen and now there I was amongst several faces conducting business that could take away my freedom overnight, all because this idiot next to me took me along on this flipping ride. Fuck it, I had to pull over to confront this dude. As soon as he heard the turn signal click, he knew it was on and uttered, "please keep going, I had no idea". I read people very well, and know bs when I see/hear it and I knew he wasn't feeding me a line of the crap.
My name is Jade
I began to understand the true situation after a while and knew that the count had better be correct or I was not going home that night. Ok, now this part was kinda funny to me, as Jimmy used a toy walkie talkie to communicate with the home owner in the basement. The thing about toy walkie talkie's is that the reception is poor and you have to keep repeating yourself. You had to be there. Anywho, everyone that was in the basement finally made their way to the garage where it was all smiles. The homeowner looked at me and said, "good job" and tossed me a set of keys. "This is yours until I call". Just like that a major deal was done and me and the passenger that was with me on the way, rolled out in a mercedes E-class.
There was so much I had to say to my passenger but I knew I needed to get back to my area first. I must say that the drive was heart wrenching and long and I didn't know what exactly I was going to do about this situation. I mean 1, I was known to do things alone and not seen and now there I was amongst several faces conducting business that could take away my freedom overnight, all because this idiot next to me took me along on this flipping ride. Fuck it, I had to pull over to confront this dude. As soon as he heard the turn signal click, he knew it was on and uttered, "please keep going, I had no idea". I read people very well, and know bs when I see/hear it and I knew he wasn't feeding me a line of the crap.
My name is Jade
Is God For Rent
Is God for rent Sunday's and in time of need? Is He meant to be used when we are in need? Is He suppose to come to our aid after we have ignored Him in regards to the very thing that we are now trying to rent Him for? Did He not supply direction to this situation already? When He says that He will supply all your needs according to his riches, did He mean only when you are ready to rent Him? When He said that His rod and staff shall comfort you all the days of your life and that peace shall dwell with you, did He mean if you follow Him or is it ok to Rent that peace and comfort only as YOU need it? When he said forgive your trespassor and/or not to judge, did He mean sometimes it's ok to not do so? I could ask these questions for the rest of my days and the answers would remain the same. Instead I'll close with a question to myself; did He die for me to use Him as a rental?
Please enter the state in which you are headed. Please enter the city. Please enter the address of your destination. Please select if you'd like the shortest distance or faster arrival time. Please put your seat belt on.
Start out going west on Monday for the next 8 hours.
Turn Left on Tuesday for the next 8 hours.
Turn Right on Wednesday and take it for the next 8 hours.
When possible make a U-turn on Thursday and follow it for 8 hours.
Make the next right on Friday and you will arrive at your destination in 8 hours on the right.
How was the trip? Did you see anything worth while? That was a lot of time, what'd you gain? Are you going back the same way you came and are you gonna take the same way next week? If so, for how long?
Start out going west on Monday for the next 8 hours.
Turn Left on Tuesday for the next 8 hours.
Turn Right on Wednesday and take it for the next 8 hours.
When possible make a U-turn on Thursday and follow it for 8 hours.
Make the next right on Friday and you will arrive at your destination in 8 hours on the right.
How was the trip? Did you see anything worth while? That was a lot of time, what'd you gain? Are you going back the same way you came and are you gonna take the same way next week? If so, for how long?
Dear Mirror
You better watch your back and watch who you're talking too. I suggest you think about it before you get jacked up. You can go there if you want to but it may not be what's best. I done see what you got and I know who you wit and I can tell you that that ain't goin be enough. I'm just letting you know and you know i'm right!
Close Your Soul
Close your soul, as I see your inner makings. Brilliant measures that fill your makings have me twisted in whirlwinds of passions that cannot be contained through any form except presence. Alleviate my thoughts that rest upon this canvas of affection. Cleanse my secret self of those things of which I have seen but leave a scent of it's touch with me all the days of my life, so that I may encounter it's peace at moments notice. I've been exposed to the chemistry of you and I am forever drawn to it's assembly that's harmonious to my beat that sustains me. You have poured out like a rivers roar whose vibration is felt a great distance away. What is this thing that mine eyes have seen that has become so profound it inspires creation of poetic thoughts? No need to think about it, I'll tell you... It's the inner makings of you!
That of which you do not see coming will be the one that changes all. Will you reflect on the experience gained? Will you stay in those past moments? Or will you face them with understanding that nothing is by chance? We turn down roads we've yet to travel because our minds cusiousity eluminates the GPS inside us that shouts what the mind truly wants. If we hadn't taken the uncharted path of which is now a part of us, would we not have gained a different view or a new perspective of beauty that lies beneath? Dance in your experiences, they are yours. Refresh your soul in the flavor of your life.
Friday, April 1, 2011
I Don't Feel Like It
I don't feel like writing, but an expression comes in many forms. I don't feel like being here, but the present unwrapped cannot be enjoyed. I don't want to think about her, but my world is tilted and I'm losing trackion. I don't want another lesson, but knowledge grips me. I don't want something else, but I don't want something else! I don't want go there, but there my hope rest. I don't want another moment to pass without you knowing that I love you, but you already know that i do. I don't want to write anything today, but I have to expose my being, by being me. I'm stopping now because I don't feel like writing.
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