My Interview With God

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Follow Me

A letter was left on my desk asking the following questions.

Why not trust and follow me? Have you known me ever lead anyone down the wrong path? Why not love me? Have I not shown you unconditional love? Why not listen to me? Have I only given the best advice and have I not followed my own word? Why do you push me away? Have I not tried to protect and shield you? Why do you choose to go against my request? Have I not shown you that I only ask out of love? Why have you trusted in others and not in me? Have I ever let you down while following me? Why do you not talk to me? Are my words not encouraging? Why do you settle? Have I not offered you a kingdom life? Why not start to follow me today? Have I not made my point clear?

X ____________Jesus Christ____________

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