This is a small way to express things that tend to come to mind throughout my day. This is my blog. Enjoy
Thursday, February 12, 2009
My name is Jade
My name is Jade. I grew up in the big city of Chicago on the south side. I'm the youngest of 3 boys. So some would say I'm spoiled because of that. Because my parents were tired of all the whooping that had to be given to my older brothers when it came to me they say I was spared quite a bit. I say whatever, I was tortured by my brother (the middle one). Though I guess looking back, all those times he'd punch me or bust my chin or give me a knot on my head somehow, or lock me in a dark room, that was just his way of showing me love. Now don't get me wrong we did and do love each other, I'm just the little brother. No worries I got mine in too. Yup growing up in the windy city. Ahh the days when life was just fun, fun and more fun. I remember playing outside riding my green machine and thinking I was driving an Indy 500 race car. My friends and I taking a long bike ride to Forrest Preserve to race down a hug hill that when looking back seems a bit dangerous. I can at this very moment hear the good ole ice-cream trunk from blocks away headed my way. I remember beating my friends at the arcade on everything from ms. Pac-Man to cenepede to mortal combat. Yup we all seemed to be on top of the world. Don't let me start on Atari and colego vision! Oh snap and when Nintendo came out mannnn! Donkey Kong was the junk. You had to blow into the cartridge to get it to play right. Heck sometimes you had to put it in the freezer for a while for it to work. Damn Nintendo games. I remember being on punishment and for whatever reason the sun was the brightest on these days. Everyone was outside! Birds would be singing the loveliest of songs. Seemed as though my friends could fly all of a sudden! Heck even the mean dog on the block was chill. All because I'd be on punishment. Thanks mom! I mean those things never seemed to happen when I wasn't locked in the house. Yeah memories of my childhood are vivid yet life's true ability to become transparent wouldn't hit me until later in life some 750 miles away from the windy city.
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