This is a small way to express things that tend to come to mind throughout my day. This is my blog. Enjoy
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
I wish I could say congratulations
I don't know how to feel just yet. I mean, I've given myself to you in ways that I thought you'd like. I've done things that I never thought I do for someone. I laughed with you and listened to your thoughts about what you did and did not like about xy and z. I know there were no promises but deep down I'd been choosing you. There were days I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize the person starring back at me. My life has been on hold while I waited for you. I thought you saw me, but now I see even I was blind. As I watch you pack your things, I found myself overwhelmed with emotion as I reflected over the last 5 years we've spent together. I'm so full of despair that I'm empty. I still smile for you in a pretense joy that you seek of me. I could see the excitement in your movement, before you whispered those words.
"We're having a baby. My wife is pregnant." I loved you so much that all I could do was smile and remain silent but inside it was as if my bones were literally breaking. I guess I always knew there was a possibility that you'd choose her over me....I mean duh, you did marry her before meeting me. So silly of me to dream of a 'you and I', but I believed you when you said, "I'm going to tell her soon". So now, as I watch you walk down the hall for the last time, with all your bags, I wish I could say congratulations, but for the first time in 5 years I thought about her. I thought about all the lies you must've told her. I thought about the possibility that maybe I wasn't the only other woman. I thought about the pain she'd feel if she ever knew who you were.
It was then that I knew that I couldn't let you just walk away and continue to bring harm to people in your path. It was then that I decided to..........
Want more??
Saturday, December 5, 2015
She is a giant amongst the circle of women around her. She simply stood apart from all others and you knew she was a force to be reckoned with. She was covered, yet her beauty was still seen to the naked eye and her value was nothing the earth could offer of equal value. Nations found themselves chasing her essence and many even tried to steal what could never be replaced. When she spoke, all souls listened and followed her. She carried the voice of command, sometimes without saying a word. To call her beautiful is simply doing her a disservice. She teaches all of man how to honor, keep, venerate and grow in a love that’s rarely seen. She pulls the best of those flavored to be in the pot of joy she stews. She is life’s finest exquisite creation ever to walk this earth. She is hysteria that many cannot control in her presence. Every sway of her gape leaves whispers of, ‘wow’ from those that witness her movements. Webster himself formed the word ‘classic’ with her in mind. She is what inspired the words of which you read. She is my radiant, strong, smart, superb statuesque black woman.
I love you and I value each of you fully
Music is my muse
I escape from all pain and thoughts
I am free from disappointment
I rock to the rhythm of all the life that dwells in the beat of every melody I vibe to the waves that pound my drums with delight
It is a gift unlike any other
The lyrics pour in and refresh my soul
I am connected to it
I need it
I breathe it
My dance creates a space that has never been witnessed before
I get so lost in it I lose my way
And I love it
It’s my ocean of the very unknown
It’s my healer and my peace
You probably don’t understand because
Music is my muse
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Wanna Hear More?
As she was his forbidden fruit, so too was he for her. Shackled by circumstance, they're passion was embedded in lost hopes. With every passing day, a desire to forget engulfed the two. Yet still the seed pitted deep in the center of their life bringing essences called and pulled at them. One wanting the other, and the other needing a windows breeze to quench the flavorful wetness that left sheets stained. When the other closed an eye, there the other stood. The two had an unmistakable appetite for each other.
She found herself adrift in his fine, smooth, chiseled dark skin. She couldn't escape the thought of him standing in the frame of her door nude. Fresh from the steam filled bath, his towel had fallen and he was in no hurry to recover it...
And he found himself looking into her eyes with a passion neither of them were ready for. Life fully rushed through his body and provided the appropriate tool that was needed for these types of situations...
She found herself drowning with the need to taste the passion of the fruit that he ever so gently offered her...
He didn't rush in, but rather touched every inch of her, without making contact. His lips carefully kissed the perfect imperfection on her face. He slowly embraced her and whispered words that not even I as the writer of this could recapture...
In disbelief that he'd noticed her fully, she freed her thoughts, mind body and spirit and the two became one...
Wanna know more?
Her smile caught me off guard and made way to break free the chains that kept me bound. With locked lips I couldn’t express what my mind was potently telling me. I couldn’t tell her about the marvelous gift she bestowed unto me (which was still left wrapped). I wanted to whisper, shout, express, heck I don’t know. I’d seen her pass my window for quite some time, but that day…that day was just different.
Let me paint the beautiful Picasso whom walked pass me with a smile that carries my freedom.
8:13am I’m sitting in my office. My hands are folded behind my head and my feet are kicked up on my desk. V103 is playing on my office radio. Chris Brown “No BS” (clean version of course) is playing and I’m bobbing my head, dancing in my chair. Chris sings the part that says, ooohhhhhh…just as she walks past my office windows. I swear it was the slowest walk a person could’ve walked past someone’s office.
Black boots with those long heels, red dress, black shoulder length hair, slight rouge brushed on her cheeks and no purse. Just all WOMAN!
She stepped to Chris’ rhythmatic beat as if she was rocking to the song too.
I suffered inside to catch my breath, as she was absolutely stealing my air and causing my heart to sputter. By the time she’d made it to the door, tiny beads of perspiration ran from my hairline.
She slowly (at least in my head) slid her right hand up the frame of the door until it came to rest, outstretched over her head. Her left hand perched on her hip. Her left foot pointed downward. There she stood…I can’t paint, but she was a priceless work of art.
“David, did you hear me! David?”
“Oh I’m sorry Red…I mean Hope”
Perhaps, she noticed the lost glare I’d found myself lost in as she walked. Perhaps she felt my thoughts. Perhaps she noticed she had me entranced in her gaze. Perhaps she realized the song playing was my desire with her. Shoot, I don’t know! Perhaps she consummated that I’d unraveled every inch of her. Maybe she perceived I needed her key to free me.
Whatever it was, she obliged all 1,375,671 thoughts I let escape me. She smile…stepped into my office…reached back and pulled the door shut. Then turned to close each blind that hung from my windows. I was lost, but knew exactly where I was (and I’m not talking about the office). Instantly, my body grew with every beat of my heart. My senses were heightened and I could feel her before she turned back around to face me. I’d watched her take a hold of the rod to close each blind and my mind wondered. My eyes followed every inch of this spectacular vision of something beyond beautiful. Her hair graced the mid of her back, and her back flowed ever so nicely downward. The dip of her back seemingly transformed into this nice, round, wondrous mound that made my mouth drop! A slight slit gave way to the curvature of her fabulous legs. This woman had it! She had it all! Shoot, she had me! She turned and said, “David… you like what you see?” You wanna hear more?
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