This is a small way to express things that tend to come to mind throughout my day. This is my blog. Enjoy
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I’m going to touch every inch of your walls. These chocolate hands will finesse your canvas to drench your loins’ in expected delight. Close your eyes as these full lips kiss you softly in all the right places. Sweet moans of bliss you’ll fill my ears. Those brown hands gripping my head as sweat swipes probe your love box. Kissed from toes to thighs your body raises in passionate preparation of all that I have to offer. With a thrust of our pelvic we become one. As hand to glove it was made for me. Those legs wrapped around me keeping me close. I’ve tasted every inch of your sweet tasting body including where my lips now rest. Just under your lob where your neckline begins are just right thoughts that escape your whisper. Together in song our bodies release with harmonies of eroticism. Curled toes and rolled eyes take you to a place where beatitude leaves you calling for more. I’m going to touch every inch of your walls is all I whisper……..Every inch…..I’m going to…..shhhh
Monday, March 30, 2009
Inside Her
Inside her is jubilance which most don’t get to see. Inside her are the gifts of passion yet to be tapped. Inside her is beauty beyond her pleasant smiles. Inside her shy quiet appeal is earth shattering love. Inside her are words yet to be spoken to her mates’ ear. Inside her are puzzles that if put together properly she’d open you up to pleasures never witnessed before. Inside her is pure felicity that can only be touched through dedication to her. You see there is someone that is meant to walk with her. To bring out those things that is buried inside. There is someone that will add to her everything. There is someone that will speak life into her lost dreams. There is someone that will touch everything and simply rock her complex. Inside her there he shall be…….
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Come on and walk with me, talk with me, laugh with me and even cry with me. Don’t be afraid to let me get close to you. I’ll do my best to cover you in all your pain, your hurt, your sadness, your loses, and anything else you may need covered. Take my hand and I will lead you to new beginnings of passionate love. Each day shall be gifts given to me of which I had no idea I’d ever open. Handed to me from the angels of Heaven I rejoice in all that you are. Never to fail in my thirst to please you, I will go the distance in this life with you. Careful I would be, to ensure that our dreams are reality. My love, my life, my hopes and needs; they rest with you.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I fell in love at 17 with a beautiful person both inside and out. Her laugh filled my heart. I remember the line I used to catch her attention. We sat next to each other in class. I leaned over to her and said, "there's someone in this class that I like". She replied, "who?" A booming "you", fell from my lips. Who'd know that she'd end up my wife and the mother of my child. From that moment my life was destined to become a world wind of life. Perhaps to much of life at times! We went through the phone stage. You know when you find yourself falling asleep talking on the phone about absolutely nothing. We'd go walking and not even notice that we'd walked for miles. All that mattered was that we were with each other. I slowly became a father at 17, because the love of my young life is a mother to a charming little girl with an overwhelming charm and fun loving spirit. Everyone looked at us as "the couple that would make it". And so we married. So there it is...young love.
It was her in the back of those court rooms I'd been in. It was her that always tried to lift my spirits when so many doors were slammed shut in my face. It was her that made my house a home. It was her that introduced me to love. This could go on and on for page after page. She was my light in a world that was constantly trying to darken around me. With all the good, fun, and light we shared, it wasn't enough to keep us together. It's tricky to be in a place where order has collapsed and roles have changed. Sort of pretending and hoping that some day life will return to normal. Only there will always be a this out of place thing that I'm afraid will never really fit. I've always had the ability to adapt to life's many changes. Finally it has managed to throw me a curve that I can't seem to hit. I even question if I should be allowed to swing. Happiness should be granted to those who seek it. Joy should be experienced for those who find it. Love is given to all of us, only so often we don't lead our heart to love. I'm learning that love is learned, experienced, and given only from God. Without a relationship with Him it cannot truly be known. Many things led to the fall of my marriage, but all are contributed to lack of a relationship with God. My name is Jade, and I need love in my life.
It was her in the back of those court rooms I'd been in. It was her that always tried to lift my spirits when so many doors were slammed shut in my face. It was her that made my house a home. It was her that introduced me to love. This could go on and on for page after page. She was my light in a world that was constantly trying to darken around me. With all the good, fun, and light we shared, it wasn't enough to keep us together. It's tricky to be in a place where order has collapsed and roles have changed. Sort of pretending and hoping that some day life will return to normal. Only there will always be a this out of place thing that I'm afraid will never really fit. I've always had the ability to adapt to life's many changes. Finally it has managed to throw me a curve that I can't seem to hit. I even question if I should be allowed to swing. Happiness should be granted to those who seek it. Joy should be experienced for those who find it. Love is given to all of us, only so often we don't lead our heart to love. I'm learning that love is learned, experienced, and given only from God. Without a relationship with Him it cannot truly be known. Many things led to the fall of my marriage, but all are contributed to lack of a relationship with God. My name is Jade, and I need love in my life.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
T.I should not be going to jail! He does far to much good to still have to face jail time. We've all made mistakes in life. Obviously he's made a really big one. However he made some really big and good things happen as well. So come on and say it with me. Free T.I....Free T.I....Louder!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
My Love
Ask of me and I shall attempt the stars. Trust my love and I will deliver. Take my hand and I'll carry your needs. Rest with me and I'll and I'll bury your worries. Talk to me and I'll absorb your beauty. Lay with me and I'll quench your needs. Share with me and I'll enlarge your territory. Ration to me your hurts and I will cover you. For you I'd give my heart. To encounter but one dance would delight my passion. To turn and open my eyes to days first light and have you there, I'd give my world to share. You make my days and my nights this more amazing. I love you my love....I love you.
Watchmen! I've heard several reviews about this movie, including from some friends of mine. All of which stated that unless you've read the comic books I wouldn't like it. I disagree with ALL of them. I've never read one issue of the comic but I did like the movie. I tend to like well thought out movies. You know the ones that start out all over the place but in the end everything comes together. If you haven't seen the movie I'm about to give one clue away.....Remember he's the smartest person on the planet.....Anywhooo, I'm not sure what the whole nakedness was about but ok. Out of 1-10 I'd give it an 8. Oh yeah, don't take your kids. You will have to leave....just trust me.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Warning if you just broke up with your mate, this is not good to read!!!
It’s raining outside. Hopefully it will hide my tears. You see I broke up with the love of my life. No fault of my own seems we just grew apart. My dreams slowly became just my dreams. Those hopes we once shared of life’s many treats shall no longer grace us with its presence. Funny how life brings unexpected change to your doorstep. I’m glad the clouds are blotting out the sun today. I just want to curl up and sleep all day. I know time is needed for this pain to ease, but there has to be a “press forward” button somewhere around here. Walking past people, seeing their lives continue as a struggle with this, gives me hope of possible newness added to my life. Slowly my cloudy days are parting, and I begin to feel the rays of sun brushing against my face. As though a wipe of God’s hand my tears are dried. I know everything is going to be ok. It’s just a shame we didn’t make it. We could’ve had the world at our doorstep.
It’s raining outside. Hopefully it will hide my tears. You see I broke up with the love of my life. No fault of my own seems we just grew apart. My dreams slowly became just my dreams. Those hopes we once shared of life’s many treats shall no longer grace us with its presence. Funny how life brings unexpected change to your doorstep. I’m glad the clouds are blotting out the sun today. I just want to curl up and sleep all day. I know time is needed for this pain to ease, but there has to be a “press forward” button somewhere around here. Walking past people, seeing their lives continue as a struggle with this, gives me hope of possible newness added to my life. Slowly my cloudy days are parting, and I begin to feel the rays of sun brushing against my face. As though a wipe of God’s hand my tears are dried. I know everything is going to be ok. It’s just a shame we didn’t make it. We could’ve had the world at our doorstep.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Dentist
I went to the dentist Monday to get some work done. Being that I don’t like pain I requested to be put under using nitrogen gas. Man o man let me tell you it was something else being that high. If that is what weed feels like I need to stay away for life, cause it was a great feeling. Felt like I was floating over my body. I remember laughing while the Doc. was drilling into my teeth. For whatever reason I found the sound of the drill to be hilarious. I think I even told the nurses that they were pretty. Heck I even called people on the phone. I don’t know what I told them but none of them hung up. Heck I called my boss and she just stayed on the line. Not one of them hung up! LOL! All in all the visit went well. I did come up with a great show idea while I was under. It’s called the Dentist. Basically I came up with characters that visit the dentist. While under the gas they start to tell stories about things that have happened in their lives. One of them is a serial killer. One is cheating on his wife. One is just trying to find the right man. One is in love with the dentist (which is why she always comes back so often – oh the dentist happens to be a female). The other one is in the mob. Now I don’t know how all of it ties together but we’ll see. Oh one last thing, if you haven’t been to the dentist lately, you really need to go. Oh yeah the dentist is black.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Relationship Questions
When a man is trying to win the heart of a woman, he studies her. He learns her likes, dislikes, habits, and hobbies. But after he wins her heart (for some he never did, you just settled), he often stops learning about her. The mystery and challenge of knowing her seems less intriguing, and he finds his interests drifting to other areas.
My question is, is there anyone out there that can explain how to stop this corrosion in it's tracks?
My question is, is there anyone out there that can explain how to stop this corrosion in it's tracks?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Today I woke up with you no longer a ray to my morning. Today a release was given. Today the taste of you, changed. Today without liquids my thirst has been quenched. Today I turned the page of hope. Today I didn't reach for you. Today I didn't want to hear your voice. Today I left aspiration behind. Today joy filled my morning without cogitation of you. Today my love, it's a new day. Today is Today!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Jade part 3
With no company willing to hire me or at the very least take a chance on me, I decided to start a home improvement company. After all I was skilled with my hands. So I had some flyers printed and off went the business. My first customer was a gutter cleaning job which paid me $45 in about an hour. Now I know numbers and I'm thinking umm not bad. That customer in turn passed my number on to his friends and so on and so until I had a legitimate business. I mean I set my own hours. Did things how I wanted to do them. Yet I wasn't happy. This was not the life I'd wanted. I grew to dislike being the "handy man". I felt like my options were limited. Seemed as though everything I wanted I couldn't have. There was always some reminder that I belonged to the justice system. By now I'd been locked up on 4 separate occasions. All stemming from that one case where I was arrested for doing my job. The terms of probation were much to achieve. Not really the whole staying out of trouble thing, but the monthly payment I was ordered to pay was simply too much. I mean I had a live in girlfriend and I was trying to raise a child, all while being one myself. If payment wasn't on time, a warrant would be issued for my arrest. I was always looking over my shoulder. My inner radar for police grew as time went on. Heck to this day I'm always looking to see where the cops are. If there's one thing I know, it's that the police will smile in your face while locking you up. Each time that payment wasn't made it was an automatic probation violation and a minimum of 30 days in jail. All of which was time spent, just waiting to see a Judge. Who by the way could at any point have me locked up for years. Wow what a way to live. I remember meeting my probation officer for the first time. Officer Butler was his name. Ah, he seemed so nice. That is until I called him to let him know that I didn't have the $425.00 payment that was due. Without skipping a beat he replied, "If you don't have it a bench warrant will be issued for your arrest", and hung up the phone. W.T.F. Now what? Now don't get me wrong I was busting my ass finding work, but it was simply too much. The whole system is designed so that you will fail. I mean anyone that's working or has worked knows that you must pass a criminal back ground in order to obtain employment. Although I was running my own business, I would have rather been working for company. So you tell me how do you do that when you're on probation? Trust me you're not going to find many jobs out there that will look past the fact that you've been arrested and charged with burglary and now you're on probation. So what would you do? Well for me I tried everything. from home improvement, to truck driving, to pizza delivery, to drug dealing....
To be continued...
To be continued...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Fresh Starts
Ahhh newness. Everyone loves it. I mean who wouldn't. Freshness, pure and unspoiled. Unknown and can be made into what you envision. A chance to start from the mark and set a new finish line. Isn't it nice. Unchartered terroritories and dreams. Yup newness is nice. Only lets not forget where you've come from and what you've come through to arrive at this place. Just because it's new, it's not always better. Newness begins from within. Not taking the time to look in the mirror will cause you to take the things you thought you left behind and bring them into the "new". That applies to whatever your new is. Understand that I'm speaking to myself as well. Past experience has made me understand that unless you cleanse your past you will end up with specks throughout your newness.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Chris Brown
Um if ever there was a need for a ass whippin!
Um if ever there was a need for a ass whippin!
Good Morning
Excitedly awaken with great anticipation today. I'm not sure as to why, but I know something good is to happen today. Come what may I'm glad I was granted another day. Goal for today is to flow in love. Lead, not follow my heart. Trust what God speaks to me and simply do as He commands of me. Hope all enjoy the day.
Good Night
Good night watchers of the sea. Good night makers of the light. Good night makers of rain. Good night trees of the sky. Good night animals of the field. Good night birds of the air. Good night nations of men. Good night stars to which I rest. Good night to all. I kiss your lips ever so gently as you rest your eyes. I stand for a moment to catch my dreams of you. Tippy toe away I go. One look over my shoulder as you sleep. Good night my love silent wishes for peaceful dreams. Good night Elijah, Christen, and Nakya. I love you all.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
What Would You Do?
I wonder what you'd see if you looked inside my window. Would you notice the empty rooms? Would the lonely halls cry out to you? Would the deaf silence attempt a whisper? Would you see the suns failed endeavor through the blinds? Would you notice the empty cabinets and missing pictures? Would the paintless walls cry out for a voice? Would you catch my wonders of desolate thoughts? Would you notice the dark from which I sit? Would you see the unaccompanied meals to which I partake? Would the endless tosses of sleep wonder your mind? Would you reach to wipe the tears of isolation away? Would you notice the repeated routine of lifelessness? I ask but one more question....What WOULD YOU do if you peeked inside my window?
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