Here are 3 truths and 1 lie about me. Figure which one is a lie.
1. I walked away from a pretty successful business one day out of the blue. I just called it quits.
2. I had a home burn down to the ground in Snellville.
3. I sometimes take the plane out and go to neighboring states for a few hours.
4. I play b-ball with several NBA players and I hold my own.
This is a small way to express things that tend to come to mind throughout my day. This is my blog. Enjoy
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Epiphany Christen McClendon
I’ve watched you grow from the tender age of 4 into the woman you are today. I’m so proud to have been there to watch you bump your head and get up. See you make mistakes, and become better in the end. You’ve surprised me time and time again. I’ve often times put in this little box thinking you weren’t ready for many of life’s changes, yet you endured to become you. You’ve progressed in your arts and in your schooling, a lot of which has truly enlightened me. Through it all I’m glad to have witnessed it all, and look forward to the continual process.
Epiphany = A sudden moment of revelation and change.
Epiphany = A sudden moment of revelation and change.
Monday, January 26, 2009
These 30 some odd years have brought me a lifetime of joy, pain, memories, and love. Through it all i've tried to remain as I am. Good through and through. I've yet to post some of my stories on here because I'm not ready to reveal me just yet. No worries I feel its coming soon though, cause sleep I find is hard for me to come by. Well maybe rest, I should say. So for now stay tuned. Hey I invite everyone to my church home....Tabernackle International Church. Come anytime.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I Still
I still love you
I still love watching you sleep
I still love holding your hand as we walk
I still miss you when you’re away
I still smile at the thought of you
I still remember our first kiss
I still remember the night you stole my heart
I still want to spend the rest of my life with you
I still need you
I still want to be your everything
I still think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.
I still love love making with you
I still…..
I still love watching you sleep
I still love holding your hand as we walk
I still miss you when you’re away
I still smile at the thought of you
I still remember our first kiss
I still remember the night you stole my heart
I still want to spend the rest of my life with you
I still need you
I still want to be your everything
I still think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.
I still love love making with you
I still…..
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Her smile can brighten your day. Her personality will capture you. Her eyes are mystifying. Her not being around is mind possessive with wishes towering a boundless. Her laughter is head turning. Her style is “watch out there now”. Her sexiness is sleepless. Her future is endless. Her spirit is refreshing. Her simplicity makes her…Her!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I’ve been sitting here at a lost for ways to form what I’m thinking without coming across the wrong way. Usually when this happens I like to just jump right into it. So, here we go. Yesterday my country welcomed our first black president, President Barack Obama. Such a sight to witness, I’m glad I lived to see that day. I never thought I’d see the day to be honest. I remember years ago saying we’d never have a black president. Yet here we are. Not only is he black, but so is his wife Michelle. A real sister. Strong, smart, brilliant, and tuff, just a all around real sista. Finally someone I can look up to. Someone that looks like me, talks like me, and even walks like me. God has a way of proving him-self everytime (not that He needs to). Only He could’ve done this. That is, bring a man such as Obama into our destiny at this very moment. All things had to align themselves for this to take place. Yet men’s hearts needed to be changed for this to take our history into purpose. Only God has the power to change men’s hearts. Thank you Father for this. I’m reminded as I’m writing this to remember Obama’s still a man. Bound to limitations set forth from God. We have much work to do in these coming days, months, and years. While there are those that will not stand behind our President because of his skin tone, let us not be detoured from what has taken place. This is our time. This is our moment. Our moment to shine. As for me my clock has been reset with a new time stamp. Only it’s a count-down. A four year time keeper. Not for Obama, but for me. What can I accomplish in 4 years? Who will I become in this time? Where will I have gone? More important what will I have learned? You see, there was once a dream of unity in this country, set some 450 years ago when our chronicles were forever entwined with this moment. Spoken some 40 years ago. Mine eyes I’ve seen the rising of the morning son. Now I shall not let its shade blot our my potential. Follow me for the next 3 years. I’m going to place 183 marbles in a jar. Each one will symbolize a new week. I will pull out one per week to show the progression of my movement. So that at the end of it all, I’ll gain some perception of my works. So follow me, and dream.
I’ve been sitting here at a lost for ways to form what I’m thinking without coming across the wrong way. Usually when this happens I like to just jump right into it. So, here we go. Yesterday my country welcomed our first black president, President Barack Obama. Such a sight to witness, I’m glad I lived to see that day. I never thought I’d see the day to be honest. I remember years ago saying we’d never have a black president. Yet here we are. Not only is he black, but so is his wife Michelle. A real sister. Strong, smart, brilliant, and tuff, just a all around real sista. Finally someone I can look up to. Someone that looks like me, talks like me, and even walks like me. God has a way of proving him-self everytime (not that He needs to). Only He could’ve done this. That is, bring a man such as Obama into our destiny at this very moment. All things had to align themselves for this to take place. Yet men’s hearts needed to be changed for this to take our history into purpose. Only God has the power to change men’s hearts. Thank you Father for this. I’m reminded as I’m writing this to remember Obama’s still a man. Bound to limitations set forth from God. We have much work to do in these coming days, months, and years. While there are those that will not stand behind our President because of his skin tone, let us not be detoured from what has taken place. This is our time. This is our moment. Our moment to shine. As for me my clock has been reset with a new time stamp. Only it’s a count-down. A four year time keeper. Not for Obama, but for me. What can I accomplish in 4 years? Who will I become in this time? Where will I have gone? More important what will I have learned? You see, there was once a dream of unity in this country, set some 450 years ago when our chronicles were forever entwined with this moment. Spoken some 40 years ago. Mine eyes I’ve seen the rising of the morning son. Now I shall not let its shade blot our my potential. Follow me for the next 3 years. I’m going to place 183 marbles in a jar. Each one will symbolize a new week. I will pull out one per week to show the progression of my movement. So that at the end of it all, I’ll gain some perception of my works. So follow me, and dream.
Today's Inspirational Quote:
"Interestingly, koi, when put in a fish bowl, will only grow up to three inches. When this same fish is placed in a large tank, it will grow to about nine inches long. In a pond koi can reach lengths of eighteen inches. Amazingly, when placed in a lake, koi can grow to three feet long. The metaphor is obvious. You are limited by how you see the world."
-- Vince Poscente
"Interestingly, koi, when put in a fish bowl, will only grow up to three inches. When this same fish is placed in a large tank, it will grow to about nine inches long. In a pond koi can reach lengths of eighteen inches. Amazingly, when placed in a lake, koi can grow to three feet long. The metaphor is obvious. You are limited by how you see the world."
-- Vince Poscente
Monday, January 19, 2009
O Lord
Give me something to say. Give me a night to dream. Wake me a purpose to fulfill. Give me the essence of love. Walk with me a lifelong stride. Give me vision through & through. Give me joy of 1st hour parents. Teach me to stand. Love me more and more. Stay just a while longer. Play that again, that old psalm that speaks of praise. Slow me down, that I may partake of you many blessings. Just as you’ve always done…protect me.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
forbidden by law to watch, let alone compete, in the ancient Olympics. The Greeks believed that the presence of wives in Olympia would defile Greece’s oldest religious shrine, which was located there. However, young maidens were allowed to attend. Any married woman who dared break the rule was thrown from a nearby cliff to her death. Ironically, the shrine that was off-limits to married women was dedicated to a woman, the fertility goddess Rhea, who was mother of the supreme god, Zeus.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
How we loved but lost
Where do I go from go from here
Having my word turned upside
All my dreams rested with you
Now they fade like barbers chairs
We use to be such lovers
How we loved but lost
How we loved but lost
With tears in my eyes
We say goodbye
Repeat Chorus:
Your touch I shall never feel
That kiss you gave seemed to steal
Even my heart couldn’t resist
Miss you already
Wish this was a test
How we loved but lost
How we loved but lost
With tears in my eyes
We say goodbye
Fade out:
Having my word turned upside
All my dreams rested with you
Now they fade like barbers chairs
We use to be such lovers
How we loved but lost
How we loved but lost
With tears in my eyes
We say goodbye
Repeat Chorus:
Your touch I shall never feel
That kiss you gave seemed to steal
Even my heart couldn’t resist
Miss you already
Wish this was a test
How we loved but lost
How we loved but lost
With tears in my eyes
We say goodbye
Fade out:
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I close my eyes and release to the place of pure brilliance. Alone in my thoughts. A clear vessel to be pedestalled above the rest. There in distance beholds such magnificence, which cannot be obtained through life’s journey. Awed by the presence of wonders only a child possesses. I’m found entranced in stale movement. As if a booming voice has frozen me in time. Yet silence surrounds me. Peace embodies me. Simply stated….This must be heaven.
Monday, January 12, 2009
George W Bush
Well we’ve come to the last press conference for our sitting president, George W. Bush. I’m not going to rag him. History has found him in the middle of much kaos and I don’t think there’s a need to really add to his legend. I will say I feel for him, because I think he did the best HE could. He was sort of thrown in office, and simply was not ready for all its duties. I wish him well in his future. He loves this country and that’s a good thing. He is a God fearing man, which should stand for something. So lets all prey for him and his family. Remember he did the best he knew how to do. No need to give his educational history, I think we all know…..:)
Friday, January 9, 2009
You know what I find interesting? Throughout my day I’m constantly having random thoughts to write about. Yet as I set in front of this flat plastic piece of equipment I’m at a lost for words. I try not to cheat myself by just throwing something on the page that really would come across as talentless.
I’m going to assume with everything I have going on, my brain cannot decide on which subject to partake of.
However there seems to be a pull to write about my life. At the current time I’m not going to do. Sorry! So for now I’ll just say…tune in tomorrow.
I’m going to assume with everything I have going on, my brain cannot decide on which subject to partake of.
However there seems to be a pull to write about my life. At the current time I’m not going to do. Sorry! So for now I’ll just say…tune in tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
very unattractive or unpleasant to look at; offensive to the sense of beauty; displeasing in appearance.
disagreeable; unpleasant; objectionable: ugly tricks; ugly discords.
morally revolting: ugly crime.
threatening trouble or danger: ugly symptoms.
mean; hostile; quarrelsome: an ugly mood; an ugly frame of mind.
(esp. of natural phenomena) unpleasant or dangerous: ugly weather; an ugly sea.
the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or
deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).
a beautiful person, esp. a woman.
a beautiful thing, as a work of art or a building.
Often, beauties. something that is beautiful in nature or in some natural or artificial environment.
an individually pleasing or beautiful quality; grace; charm: a vivid blue area that is the one real beauty of the painting.
Informal. a particular advantage: One of the beauties of this medicine is the freedom from aftereffects.
(usually used ironically) something extraordinary: My sunburn was a real beauty.
something excellent of its kind: My old car was a beauty.
Not really sure as to why this caught my eye. However this question came to mind....What makes the difference.
very unattractive or unpleasant to look at; offensive to the sense of beauty; displeasing in appearance.
disagreeable; unpleasant; objectionable: ugly tricks; ugly discords.
morally revolting: ugly crime.
threatening trouble or danger: ugly symptoms.
mean; hostile; quarrelsome: an ugly mood; an ugly frame of mind.
(esp. of natural phenomena) unpleasant or dangerous: ugly weather; an ugly sea.
the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or
deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).
a beautiful person, esp. a woman.
a beautiful thing, as a work of art or a building.
Often, beauties. something that is beautiful in nature or in some natural or artificial environment.
an individually pleasing or beautiful quality; grace; charm: a vivid blue area that is the one real beauty of the painting.
Informal. a particular advantage: One of the beauties of this medicine is the freedom from aftereffects.
(usually used ironically) something extraordinary: My sunburn was a real beauty.
something excellent of its kind: My old car was a beauty.
Not really sure as to why this caught my eye. However this question came to mind....What makes the difference.
Well not much to say today, do to yesterday topic became such a spirited conversation. While there are several topics surrounding the statement or question, I still feel the same. Say what you will about my opinion, it shall remain open for disscussion. I must say, I do think its a good thing at times, which shall be a topic for later. Thank you for all the heated questions/responses!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Question of the day
I’d like to put a question out there to both men and women.
Do women know what they want?
Do women know what they want?
Today's Inspirational Quote:
"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."
-- Calvin Coolidge
"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."
-- Calvin Coolidge
Monday, January 5, 2009
Truth be told
Well today has been another beautiful day. Aw the joys of life’s many turns. I made it to church yesterday and I’m so glad I did, cause a brother was missing some Jesus! The over-all message was don't be afraid of things out of your control. Trust that as long as you're in right standing you'll be more then fine. As for me i'll keep looking to the hills, naw let me for me, I will continue to strive to be better. I will try to press forward no matter what may come against me. Saying that usually brings more challenges but I’ve learned that through my many, and i do mean many challenges I’ve managed to gain quite insight and confidence to know that i can overcome anything in my path. As long as i lean on my believe that Good can and will sustain me throughout. Know i know this is not always easy when going through something, but looking back I know that it was because He said what He said, I made it. I don’t like to get all "religious", I try to be open and honest about life's issues. My belief is if we all lived to help others through our honesty we be a lot better than we are. Smile and enjoy everything...Remember it can vanish in a blink of an eye!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Essence Unseen
So the year is upon us. Not sure why, but I’m feeling like gold. Although it’s been a hectic day, I’m still good. Maybe it’s because the year is new, giving us all a fresh start. So with that said, here you go….
Essence of things unseen. We hold in our hands gifts unrevealed with pressure. Calming seconds tic away as we constantly move in and out, in and out of life’s fundamental nature. A chase of inexhaustible passions. We fight on. When knocked down, we rise up. When we lose we shoot for elevation. When we’re hurt, we heal. When we’re calm we’re at peace. Suddenly things clarify even the most time consumed thoughts. As if a wand has been waved things just flow. It is meant for the calming things. Set to have us slow down and take in our days of essence
Essence of things unseen. We hold in our hands gifts unrevealed with pressure. Calming seconds tic away as we constantly move in and out, in and out of life’s fundamental nature. A chase of inexhaustible passions. We fight on. When knocked down, we rise up. When we lose we shoot for elevation. When we’re hurt, we heal. When we’re calm we’re at peace. Suddenly things clarify even the most time consumed thoughts. As if a wand has been waved things just flow. It is meant for the calming things. Set to have us slow down and take in our days of essence
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